1. Title : Avalokanam – A Pioneering ISR Activity with the Mumbai Railway Police
Under the guidance of the Hon’ble Commissioner of Railway Police, Dr. Ravindra Shisve, students from the MCA and MMS programs at NMITD, conducted an impactful survey on accidental deaths in Mumbai's railway system in 2023-24. Focusing on five key railway stations, students interacted with senior railway police officials and collected extensive data, identifying key areas for safety improvement. The report recommended essential interventions, including expediting trespass control measures and establishing a unified railway zone to streamline safety efforts. Additionally, the survey proposed implementing a Safety Maturity Model (SMM), a proven framework from developed countries. Further, employing a Precursor Indicator Model (PIM) within the SMM framework, authorities can track accident precursors to proactively reduce incidents and improve overall commuter safety.
2. Title : Initiative – Nurturing Advanced Learners
This initiative identifies and nurtures advanced learners of the Institute, fostering innovative student-led projects.
Key highlights include:
Website Development – MMS student Ms. Crystal Gladys developed a placement tab for the Institute website to streamline the placement process for students and recruiters.
Automation of Rubrics – MCA student Mr. Anamay Potdar automated faculty-scoring processes, enhancing efficiency in assessments.
Marketing Katta – Amongst MMS Marketing students advanced learners were identified who conducted an experiential activity, “Marketing Katta,” launching pocket-friendly food items with creative promotion strategies, to earn profit , enriching their marketing skills.
1. Title : The Alumni Engagement for Pre Placement Activities of Present Batch of students
The Context :
Alumni of the Institute proactively engage with the present batch of students for Aptitude Test and Mock Interviews. This gives the students, practical guidance and insights for facing the Aptitude and interview rounds and enhances their employment prospects.
1. Preparing the students for the Placement Drive through the guidance of the Alumni.
2. Alumni Connect serves as a launch pad for the present batch which enhances their employability prospects and network for future career.
Evidence of Success: Implementation of this Alumni engagement has resulted in better job offers.
Problems Encountered :
While the alumni do take great pride in their mother institution, it is becoming harder to engage them for such activities due to their hectic corporate schedule.
2.Title : Honoring and empowering Women power
The Context
Students of DES's NMITD, under the banner of WDC and Cultural Committee, had curated a programme- "Navdurga 2022” on the zeal of Navratri to pay homage to nine such Incredible Indian Unsung Women Personalities.
The Objectives of the Practice
1.To promote gender sensitization, gender equality, harmony, and respect for women in the workplace.
2.To sensitize the students towards respecting women power, access equal opportunity at workplace thereby promoting healthy work culture.
Evidence of Success :
To create awareness about our culture sensitization nature conservation and breaking the stereotypes of women achievers.
Problem encountered
Identifying only nine unsung women through a huge canvass of many great women personalities to present.
1. Title : Anubhav – The ISR Journal of DES’s NMITD
The Context :
NMITD has successfully fostered a profound sense of social responsibility among its MCA and MMS students, emphasizing the importance of making constructive contributions to society. As an integral aspect of their educational voyage, students have wholeheartedly collaborated with over 30 NGOs, dedicating their time and effort to commendable initiatives undertaken by these organizations. To honor their valuable experiences and impactful endeavors, we take great pride in presenting the widely acclaimed magazine “Anubhav,” which has garnered recognition from both corporate entities and the academic community. The first issue of Anubhav was published in August, 2021 with an ISBN No 978-93-93789-11-2.
1.Documenting and sharing their experience in group projects.
2.Promote campus culture and values: The magazine can showcase the unique culture and values of the college, highlighting activities, relevant to social responsibilities.
3.Encourage student engagement: A magazine can serve as a student expression and involvement. It can provide opportunities for students to contribute articles, stories, artwork, or photography, allowing them to showcase their talents and interests.
4.Support intellectual growth: A magazine can feature articles, essays, and interviews that stimulate intellectual curiosity and promote critical thinking.
Evidence of Success: Anubhav magazine has garnered widespread recognition and praise within both the industry and academic circles .
Problems Encountered :
Some students may not be familiar with the concept of social responsibility or may not consider it a priority. To overcome this, students were given an orientation lecture and were sent for a field visit with faculty members.
Aubhav Book
Aubhav Book Publication
2.Title of the Practise : आनंदयात्रा – A Journey of Quality Initiative aiming for Excellence
The Context
Quality assurance and Outcome Based Education, have been the central challenges in the effective governance of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). We have initiated a “Quality Culture” at DES’s Mumbai Campus, and nurtured consciously by the IQAC Committee. The Outcome Based Education (OBE) Framework implemented at DES’s NMITD is student-centric and focuses on measuring student performance, i.e., outcomes, which include knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
The IQAC is the driving force ushering in quality by working out intervention strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality. It channelizes and systematizes the efforts and measures towards academic excellence.
The Objectives of the Practice
1.Nurturing Quality Culture at DES’s NMITD
2.Centered to Learner-Centered Approach
3.Being Outcomes-Minded
4.Clarity of focus
Evidence of Success :
Implementation of the OBE System has streamlined the attainment of CO PO.
Problem encountered
The implementation of an OBE system that is mapped to the University of Mumbai programme of MCA and MMS syllabus was challenging.
Best Practice I
1. Title of the Best Practice- Creativity Lab
2. Objective of the Practice
1.Inspire and support students of MCA and MMS to foster a culture of creativity and innovation
2.ultivate an innovative mindset
3. The Context
Giving opportunities to youth to express their creativity and become young innovators. Enhancing creativity skills that enable students to think differently giving them ample opportunities to explore.
4. The Practice – Creativity Lab
Through a blend of enabling & vitalized perspectives on topics of creativity and innovation the said activities facilitate environment that can unfold creative and innovative potential of students .
This gives them a free hand to traverse various realms under technology and management.
5. Evidence of Success
All students were sensitized to tap creativity and innovative mindset. A few initiatives include Vision Board, departmental journals–TechPulse, Connecting the dots, Happy Managers’ Hub, video on Corona-warriors etc. Mind Maps are explored for their professional and personal lives.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
As regards, Creativity Lab starts with idea generation. Participation with ideas from sources that are as diverse as possible in order to gain insights from different perspectives is crucial.
7. Notes (Optional)
Any Academic Institute can start this practice and DES’s NMITD would be willing to share the process for starting Creativity Lab.
Best Practice II
Title of the Best Practice – Students’ Magazines
1. Objective of the Practice
The magazine plays an instrumental role in providing exposure to the students to develop their domain and writing skills.
2. The Context
Tech Pulse and Connecting the Dots cover new developments, inventions and innovations in field of IT and management.
Best Practice I
1 . Title of the Best Practice – Katha:
Learning through storytelling refers to a process in which learning is structured around a narrative or story as a means of ‘sense making’. Management Concepts were enacted through various stories from Jataka, Panchatantra, Hitopadesha and other traditional fables.
2. The Context:
India has an age old tradition of performative storytelling, that is theatrical, innovative and uses body language as well. This is used as an important technique used for soft skills and communication among the MMS students. Storytelling is viewed as a vocation and storytellers are required to develop skills in the appropriate use of language, communicating with impact, insight and sensitivity.
3. Objective of the Practice:
1.Establish a Learning Objective which is in sync with central message of the story.
2.Breakdown complicated Topics and make them fun to understand like teaching Derivatives using Story Telling from Ramayana.
3.Effective Presentation through a Narrative Arc which ensures the attention of the audience to make your point.
4.As an effective Communication tool for engaging a group/ team.
5.The human mind is a story processor, not a logic processor.
4. The Practice:
Katha – What is your Story? – A Power Packed Storytelling Practice, conducted for MMS 2019-21 batch. Most of the MMS students shared stories from mythology, Jataka and Panchatantra. Some shared their life stories to capture some of the Management lessons they learnt.The Voice Gym which helps to sensitize the students to the importance of Voice Modulation for the Managers was also well received by the batch .
5. Evidence of Success:
After the Katha Practice, the students shed their inhibitions and were able to engage with their audience and teams. They were able to crystallize their thoughts and were more effective in their verbal communication. They understood the importance of body language, role of emotions in communication and how to make effective presentation.Performative storytelling goes beyond storytelling by integrating collaborative creative elements of theatre-making to bring home some of the management lesson from Indian Ethos of Management.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
The practice is facilitated by use of ice breakers, activities, videos, role plays and interactions to help participants sharpen their understanding. Requirements includeconference hall with PA system, projector for videos, lap top with connectivity port with projector, speakers for videos and seating arrangements.
7. Notes (Optional)
Any Academic Institute can start this practice and DES’s NMITD would be willing to facilitate Katha – Story Telling Practice.
Best Practice II
1. Title of the Best Practice — Vachan – MCA/ MMS Oath
The oath is a voluntary pledge for MCAs and MMSs to create value responsibly and ethically. The oath begins with the following premise and conclusion: “As a manager, technocrats and IT professional, my purpose is to serve the greater good by bringing people and resources together to create value that no single individual can build alone.”
2. The Context
The MCA/MMS Oath is an effort by many top business schools across the country to transform business into a profession with a code of conduct, similar to the Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors upon graduating from medical school . While the Oath is voluntary, the Honor Committee encourages all NMITD MCA and MMS students to say this oath so as to be responsible professionals in their corporate life and consider all the stakeholders while taking any decision that would impact the corporate, stakeholders and the community at large. It helps the student to remind them of their ethical and moral obligation to society at large.
In order to make the Management and Technology Professionals, a True Professional, we need this Oath. As Business and IT leaders, they must embrace a way of looking at their role that goes beyond their responsibility to the shareholder to include a civic and personal commitment to their duty as institutional custodians
3. Objectives of the Practice
The MCA / MMS Oath aspire to:
1. Inspire and support MCAs/ MMSs who commit to creating value responsibly and ethically;
2.Challenge all MMSs to work with a higher professional standard, whether or not they sign the Oath;
3.Create a public conversation about professionalizing and improving management.
4.To remind them about their role to all the stakeholders in managing Business and Technology.
4. The Practice – Oath by MCA/ MMS Class of 2019-21:
At DES’s NMITD, the MBA Oath to the class was administered by Director, Dr. Samadhan Khamkar, on 22nd September 2019, to the first year students of MMS/MCA so as to sensitize them to their ethical obligation to society.
5. Evidence of Success
From the first year, MCA and MMS students were sensitized to their ethical and social obligation as a true professional which was evident from their professional conduct during their tenure at the Institute. The students were able to appreciate the importance of building ethical organization and also their ethical dealing which would be more transparent and driven, after considering all the stakeholders .
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
The students were to be informed and counselled in advance regarding this oath and how the Hippocratic Oath was administered to doctors, which was one of the oldest document in history and how the oath reminded them of their moral and ethical responsibility. Every student was given a copy of this Oath from the college as a take away to be preserved. No other resource was required.
Title of the Practice:Parinati... Transforming Emotions into Emotional Intelligence
Many lives are lost to DEPRESSION, prompting DES’s NMITD to recognize the importance of emotional health as a serious concern. It's easy to advise people to seek help, but why would anyone do so when we choose to ignore emotional health? Phrases like "It’s OK, don’t feel bad. It’s just a phase and this too shall pass" are dismissive. While it's normal to feel sad or hopeless, it's not okay to ask people to ignore their emotions and feelings. What they need is our support. This practice aims to transform emotions into emotional intelligence through various activities and role-plays, encouraging individuals to seek external help.
This practice targets individuals aged 14 to 75, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of emotional health among Indian citizens. Its primary goal is to enhance emotional intelligence, enabling individuals to manage themselves effectively and understand others through the ABCDE (appearance, behavior, communication, digital presence, and etiquette) tool. The practice emphasizes the interaction between beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and actions to facilitate transformative change, focusing on appearance, behavior, communication, digital presence, and etiquette.
In the context of Indian higher education, this practice creates an environment for students and new entrants in the corporate world to develop empathy, clarity, and insight in their interactions with themselves and others. The environment mirrors the participants' demeanor; if they are calm and collegial, so is the environment. Conversely, if they are impatient, stressed, and irritable, the environment reflects this. Recognizing the significant impact individuals can have on their environment by managing their beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and actions, the practice aims to teach techniques for consciously fostering positive beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and actions, thereby creating a positive learning environment.
Evidence of Success:
Participants understand the importance of developing emotional intelligence for better relationship management with themselves and others. They gain clarity on the four components of emotional intelligence and their application in handling difficult situations across various life stages, from adolescence to old age.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
The practice incorporates icebreakers, PowerPoint presentations, activities, videos, role-plays, and quizzes to enhance participants' understanding interactively. Requirements include a conference hall with a PA system, a projector for videos and presentations, a laptop with connectivity port for the projector, speakers for videos, and appropriate seating arrangements. It's essential to clarify that emotional intelligence is a process that allows participants to explore their weaknesses and confront them with strength, fostering personal and professional growth. The facilitator acts as a coach rather than a teacher, and the transformation process depends on the participants' willingness to learn and evolve.
Web of Connectivity
Art & Science of 1st Impressions
Role PLAY Conflict & Negotiation
Personal Brand Activity for HR
Senior Citizens
Senior Citizens (2)
Pharma Company
New Horizon Public School, Kalyan
Best Practice II
1. Title of the Best Practice: Sanshodhan
Sanshodhan is the research initiative of DES’s NMITD to inculcate an enquiring mind and scientific temper among the MMS and MCA students who would give them the necessary rigour, grounding in communication and also strengthen their critical thinking process, which will stand a good stead in their corporate life .
2. The Context of Sanshodhan
In a globalized economy with transnational workplace and diversity of work culture, it is imperative that students have a grounding in scientific research. Further in a higher Education Institute, it is important to have faculty with a research background as we are working in a knowledge economy. The research and development capabilities of the Institutions of Higher Education would be of strategic advantage both for the teachers and the students.
3. Objective of the Practice – Sanshodhan
1.To provide strategic guidance for research activities during the year
2.To appoint a committee of “ Think Tank” which would be the experts within the Institute and outside who would give guidance related to research.
3.To conduct Inhouse Research Conference annually both for Management, Technology related aspects and also for Library Science
4.To guide the research scholars of the Institute in their doctoral journey.
5.To start a research center affiliated to University of Mumbai.
4. The Practise SANSHODHAN – Research Initiative @ DES NMITD
AT DES NMITD, we have a very focused research strategy and believe that, the future research would be open source, influenced by technology. Research practice and publication faster, better feedback for their research inputs and improved reach. At DES NMITD through Sanshodhan Initiative, we have created a research ecosystem which has a think tank of experts who have established track record of publications, who through their quarterly meeting with the faculty members promote research culture and scientific temper. All the faculties have registered for PhD and are guided through their doctoral journey by the experts. All faculties proactively take up research publications and write in UGC listed and International journals and participate in conferences in India and abroad. In the last five years the total number of Publications, including research papers in UGC listed Journals, Conference proceedings, Books, Chapters from MMS Faculty is 93 and from MCA is 78 . At DES’s NMITD, we also inculcate research culture amongst students and promote the students presentation and publication in our in house Conference NCMAT (National Conference of Management and Technology). The theme of the NCMAT 2019 which was held on 23rd February 2019 was, “ Innovative and Multidisciplinary approach to Technology and Business”. The Conference was a huge success as it had papers and the published journal is available on www.nmitd.edu.in
5. Evidence of Success:
1.NCMAT 2019 was a great success with the number of authors being published rising from 48 in NCMAT 2018 to 66 in 2019.
2.Four PhD scholars from the college are in the last phase of their thesis submission.
6. Problem Encountered and Resources Required
UGC Published Journal was a challenge however the same was handled very efficiently by the Conference Committee.
Anita Bobade
Vaishali Patil
NCMAT 19 1
NCMAT 19 2
Best Practice III
1. Title of the Best Practice: Swadhyay – Constructive Learning Practice –
2. Swadhyay , is the pioneering initiative of DES’s NMITD to facilitate advanced learner students to transfer their learnings to their batchmates and juniours in innovative teaching-learning process. This process gives students the experience of involvement with junior students as well as demonstrating the techniques or topics which are not in curriculum but increase their employability.
3. The Context of Constructive Learning Practice
In Swadhay activity, advanced learners of MCA as well as MMS programmes, identify the topics which they can teach or explain to juniors, they present or demonstrate the same . This activity was initiated to narrate the students’ own experience of new technology/ tool/ experience of activity to juniors using which junior batch can apply their seniors’ experience with their own ideas.
4. Objective of the Practice –
1.To explore the tool/ technology/ technique/ strategy which is extension to curriculum
2.To apply it for project or institutional activity
3.To train juniors with this tool and gain experience
5. The Practice Swadhyay – Initiative for Innovative Learning @ DES NMITD
AT DES NMITD, we have designed various learning practices like experiential learning, participative learning and innovative learning. The advanced learners through Swadhyay, approach their Teacher Mentor and get a sanction about the topic/ tool/ technology/ activity which they can conduct or train to juniors to concerned faculty members. While finalizing the topic, faculty members take care that the topic or activity is not the same from curriculum, it should be extension or not covered in syllabus. From last some years, the students of MCA second year conduct practical sessions for first year students and MCA third year students conduct some sessions for MCA second year and first year students. Due to these sessions, it has been observed that juniors get benefit of these sessions in open source projects. When MMS-Finance department conduct BSE IPF Sponsored Inter Collegiate Event, Share Bazaar event yearly, the Core Team of senior students, pass on the baton, through various SOP and Flow Charts, induction and training, demonstrate the juniors to lead co- lead the event.
6. Evidence of Success:
Conducted knowledge sharing session by MCA Sem 3 Students Rushabh Ambre, Saif Harianawla, Burhan Harianawala and Junaid Khalafay for MCA SEM 1 Batch Purpose-Knowledge Sharing for enhancements of SEM 1 IWT Projects Topics Covered-
1.Google cloud api for image to text conversation using php
2.Textlocal API integration for SMS and Whatsapp
3.Overview of Github
Duration 2 Hrs Date:16th October 2018 a. Blogs written by Mr. Rushabh Amre, Mr. Vighnesh Khale… b. Icebreaking activities by…. Share Bazaar training by Core Committee ( 2018) comprising Vighnesh Khale, Virendra Bagwe and Sagar Bomble for guiding the new Core Committee Share Bazaar 2019 or Raj Gummula, Omkar Gaikwad, Sanjog Doshi.